Enjoying Boone Tavern Hotel in Berea, KY

Amber & Chris Stimpson

Amber's father bought this farm in Union City, KY when she was 12. The thought was, "DAD! WHY would you buy THIS place?!?" More than 30 years later Amber moved back to "THIS place" with her husband Chris to share time and love with her treasured father. They started with cattle, the area's traditional livestock of choice. 

Just three months, to the day, after moving in - a tornado ripped through Union City and the farm destroying fences, pasture, and significantly damaging the house and the barn. Cattle were getting out every week and the fences were no longer suitable for livestock containment. So, they had to rebuild.

Nearly two years later half of the farm is back in service. The remaining half, and the most important half, remains out of production due to fencing issues that are unresolvable at this time. The house remains under construction to finish tornado repairs and some remodeling. When it's possible, the facilities on the remaining half of the farm will be completed after the fencing issues are resolved.

Amber is a professional in the field of Architectural History and Historic Preservation. She works tirelessly to train preservation professionals across the United States. She helps private and public agencies meet regulatory requirements for historic preservation. Chris is a professional in the field of Construction Management. He has worked in heavy industrial construction, critical infrastructure on mega-programs. He also worked in aerospace/defense supporting engineer-to-order products and programs. Both Amber and Chris have advanced degrees in their respective fields. Chris grew up on a 1,200 acre row-crop farm in Southeast Idaho. Amber and Chris have lived all over the US and worked in almost all 48 lower states, United Kingdom, Canada and Europe. Both Amber and Chris love the farm life with all of its ups and downs.